When it’s so much more than ‘just a business’

You likely didn’t become an entrepreneur to exchange the hours of your days for mindless work and pay. You have a vision of contributing something meaningful to the world! You envision personal and financial fulfillment in exchange for your services and products, in order to create support and stability for yourself and others in a way that only you can.

This is a shared value among all clients and Virtual Assistants at Your Virtual Allies. We are passionate about helping other’s fulfill their goals. We are thrilled to accompany you on your journey; sharing in your challenges and successes.

How are you at receiving support?

If it takes a village to raise a child, it certainly takes support to build a sustainable business and entrepreneurial lifestyle. When you’re ready to receive that support, it can be scary to entrust aspects of your business to someone else.

Common thoughts and fears include:

  1. ‘What if they don’t ‘get’ what I and this business are all about?”

  2. ‘Do they really have my best interest in mind?’

  3. ‘How will I know if I can trust them?’

Previous experiences with hired support are often disappointing, and can leave one quite jaded. There’s so much newness about online business and marketing that it’s easy to become overwhelmed.

We start asking from the start about your top values and needs, to ensure we’re the right fit to support you. Do you value experience, a trusted referral, integrity, follow-though, connection, time to build trust? Do you need systems, perspective, a second brain, someone else to attend to details before they slip through the cracks?

This thorough assistance from the start offers palpable relief. You don’t have to do it all on your own anymore.


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Your Virtual Allies

    Virtual Assistants who care about you and your business


"Your thoughts and input are all over this book I am finishing. You have helped me so much and I am soooo grateful. I knew from the minute I met you that you were a special person." Lightworkers Alliance